IT Management Services

We have a number of solutions for short-term, mid, and large infrastructure projects that range from a simple testing platform to a complex data center move.
Hardrives representing the IT Lifecycle from purchase to data destruction

Lifecycle Programs

In addition to our Asset Disposition program, we offer Dedicated Spare Parts and Data Destruction Programs to provide a convenient way to manage recurring IT Lifecycle requirements. These programs are designed to shift the management and expense from your organization to NVINT.

Logistical Support

NVINT has over 15 years of experience in the moving and transport of IT equipment. From server rooms to data centers, we provide solutions, including packing, shipping and transitional support services, such as data backups.

two network engineers working on data center migration
data center IT migration


Data center IT migrations are always challenging and complex. We have a number of resources and a whole lot of experience available to reduce the challenges, including data replication services and short-term equipment rentals to ensure a smooth transition.

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